Watch this video to learn. Watch the whole 15 minute video or watch the section you want to see.
- How to login into your account: 0:00
- Update main contact info that is used by the chamber to communicate with you (About tab): 1:52
- Upgrade Membership to Premium (About tab): 2:51
- Updating Credit Card, Change Billing Method and Membership Renewal (About tab): 4:47
- Add Logo, tagline, description, social links and categories for online profile (ONLINEprofile tab): 6:32
- Update info for the Printed Directory (PRINTEDdirectory tab: 10:42)
- Adding Additional Contacts (Additional tab 12:32)
- Payment History made and receive copies of your receipts (Payments tab 13:01)
- Adding a Deal as a Premium member (Deal tab 13:34)